Recording vocals by myself again today while the studio team is in Hawaii.

No shirt, no shoes, no pants. Headband, socks, briefs and jewelry by Alessandro Michele for Gucci.

You’re doing great.

My hot take is that pop culture and art and music and fashion and snacks and puppies and drag queens and texting and stupid movies and memes and holding hands and dancing and expensive perfume and very high thread count Egyptian cotton sheets and fancy bath towels and shiny pretty things and tall boy bathtubs are all actually really important.

The pandemic is hard and endless and there’s no extra credit for suffering. It’s not shallow to want to surround yourself with life and beauty when there is death and sadness all around.

Say yes to all bread.
Chase kindness.
Buy whatever.
Laugh about it.
Cry about it.
You’re doing great.


We walked around downtown Portland for hours and hours today, supporting the local economy and drinking iced beverages.

It was fun.

I love this city, but especially during this time of year.






// SOFTCORE (2024)





// R+R CITY (2023)





// DISTRACTED (2023)





// NEW MONEY (2022)





// KRS30YRS (2021)