Happy Pride 2015 from Logan Lynn and The Portland Mercury

Portland Mercury Queer Issue 2015 - Logan Lynn
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Logan Lynn’s New Video Featured on End Hits Blog Weekly Music Video Wrap-Up

Logan Lynn Radio Silent Music Video by Runn Shayo (2014)

Thanks to Ned Lannamann and the kids at The Portland Mercury’s End Hits music blog for including my new video “Radio Silent” in this week’s Video Vriday music video wrap-up. It’s only been out for 3 days and already 7,000 of you have watched it!

Check out the video online at End Hits HERE or read what they had to say just below.

From End Hits: (6/13/14)
“Just in time for Pride weekend, here’s Logan Lynn’s latest video, for his tune “Radio Silent” from Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks. Lynn (who, full disclosure, is also a Mercury contributor) shot this with filmmaker Runn Shayo over the course of a summer tour last year with fellow queer artists Big Dipper, Conquistador, and others, and the video features clips from shows across the country and snapshots from life on the road.”

The Portland Mercury Picks “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks” for Video Vriday! Weekly Wrap-Up

Logan Lynn on Video Vriday at The Portland Mercury (2013)

Hometown love today from The Portland Mercury, who included my new video “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks” in this week’s “Video Vriday!” weekly wrap-up! Check it out HERE or keep reading below the video:

From The Portland Mercury: (11/1/2013)

Logan Lynn released his new Halloween-y video this week; ‘Tramps Stamps and Birthmarks’ is a mysterious psychosexual clip made by Hippodrome Films. Lynn recorded the dark-tinged dance track with Spencer Lee Carroll (LackLustre), and Lynn says, “The horror of the video is meant to be a metaphor for the horrors of being trapped in our individual histories.”





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