I’m Just A Hole, Sir

Well, you heard it here first. I’m just a hole. Please enjoy!

Stream the I’m Just A Hole, Sir single: https://pocp.co/im-just-a-hole-sir

Watch the second scene from the SOFTCORE film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F6ELHijuPg

My 11th studio album SOFTCORE is out June 7th on Kill Rock Stars. Pre-order now on vinyl, CD, or digital: https://pocp.co/softcore

New music coming next week!

Gather your bundles of sticks! New music and another new video coming next week. Sharing some of the highlights from the last couple of weeks since the first single from SOFTCORE was released here ahead of that.

Thank you Charm School Media, Gino Mari, Stephan Hawkes, Mixed Metaphor Recording, Interval Films and Joshua Emara. Appreciate you all.

And huge thanks to Kill Rock Stars for believing in me and my music all these years.

Mister Bear is back, baby!

Mister Bear is back home after graduating from a month in around-the-clock boarding school training for baby doggos. We went to boot camp with him every few days throughout the experience so both dads are kinda fried but little dude is such a good boi now!
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// SOFTCORE (2024)





// R+R CITY (2023)





// DISTRACTED (2023)





// NEW MONEY (2022)





// KRS30YRS (2021)