10 Years After Harvey Weinstein Fired Me…

It’s been exactly 10 years since this man fired me from my own Weinstein Company show for refusing to leave rehab against medical advice, then canceled the project all together when I didn’t kiss the ring and quite literally die for him.

He and his whole team were pissed that Pathways dual diagnosis treatment center in St. Helens, Oregon wouldn’t let them come film/exploit me in detox (pesky health privacy laws!) then when I wouldn’t leave to shoot scenes, dude called Pathways, convinced the doctors to come put me on the phone, then savagely fired me for costing him money when I was at one of the lowest, most dangerous points in my life (and recovery).

Always a charmer.

I was given the choice to leave treatment and continue shooting this reality series we had been filming for over a year, but thankfully I chose to live instead. I would not be here today if I had caved to that pressure.

All thanks to the incredible staff at Pathways for not letting them come film me there and then encouraging me to stay. It was a hard decision — and one that I have had moments of regret over here and there since; particularly in the early years, when it seemed I had let my one big break go by.

Turns out there’s no such thing as one big break, and sometimes things that feel like a loss at the time end up being a win later.

Happy Friday, Harvey. I can’t wait to watch your new prison special!

P.S. – Now that Harvey’s going to jail, I hope people start focusing on Bob and the rest of their minions. That entire company is garbage and should be held accountable for the twisted culture they created together.

LISTEN: Logan Lynn Talks Music, Mental Health and More on The Stateside Podcast (AUDIO)


Fail up, kids! Listen to my episode of The Stateside Podcast HERE, or by subscribing on iTunes and wherever else podcasts are found.

You can also just press play below…

Here are some photos from the taping:


WATCH: Logan Lynn’s #NatCon17 Appearances and Performance at the National Council Awards of Excellence (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

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I had one of the most magical moments of my life and career this past week with the National Council in Seattle. It was a whirlwind of inspiration and recognition and I’m moved beyond words. (Which I realize is complicated in a written post like this. ha!)

Here’s the good news: Keep Oregon Well and Flawless Foundation partnered all throughout #NatCon17 and they have words about it, which were just published last night on the Keep Oregon Well blog. What they wrote absolutely captures the spirit of the week, so I have included it below instead of trying to re-capture it myself. Lots of cute, supportive Tweets at the bottom of the page. OMG.

Thank you again to the National Council! My heart is full.


From Keep Oregon Well and Flawless Foundation: (4/6/17)

This week, the brainchild behind Keep Oregon Well and our very own Chief Impact Officer, Logan Lynn, was called on to share his many talents at the National Council for Behavioral Health’s annual conference, #NatCon17. First, he brought his expertise in community engagement to a panel discussion, “Health Systems Partnering with Communities for Whole Health,” and led a Facebook Live Q&A aftershow with his fellow presenters which, as of publishing this post, has already been viewed over 30,000 times on our Facebook page alone! Then, at the 2017 Awards of Excellence show Tuesday night, Logan was honored by the National Council for the positive impact he has made through Excellence in Artistic Expression and topped off the evening with a live performance of his new song, “Big City Now”.

Watch our Facebook Live video of Logan Lynn’s acceptance speech and performance:

As he shared during the panel, Logan brings a history of lived experience with mental health struggles and substance use challenges to his work with Read the rest of this entry »





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