“My Movie Star” Has Been Out For Exactly Three Months…

We are 3 months into the My Movie Star release and it’s clear that people either completely love this weird, quiet piano record and are already mid-process wearing out the vinyl, or they fuckin’ hate it and either refuse to listen or just never made it past song 5 before breaking the vinyl over their knee.

There doesn’t seem to be much in-between this round, both critically and commercially, which I’m good with. Love me or hate me, feature the album or ignore it, these songs are my best work in 20 years, hands down.

I’m so proud of this record, all thanks to everyone who gave everything they had to this project; And to those of you who have bought the album and followed me here, I know we are a long way from those strange dance floors where we first met. The world has changed and so have I. Thank you for still being here. I see you dancing, sweethearts.

The My Movie Star Deluxe Double Disc Edition is out now on vinyl, CD and digital download wherever music is streamed and sold. Pick one up from Bandcamp and I’ll sign it for you, personalize it for a friend, or turn it into a unique piece of hatemail for someone you would like to simply torture with my voice

Tiffany’s Cover of Logan Lynn’s “Big City Now” Hits #3 on CD Baby’s Top Songs Piano Pop Chart

So fun. Tiffany’s cover of Big City Now on My Movie Star is now #3 on the CD Baby Top Songs Piano Pop Chart, up from #4, #5 and #8 last week!‬

‪Click HERE to bring her to #1 where she belongs!





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// HARDCORE (2024)





// R+R CITY (2023)





// DISTRACTED (2023)





// NEW MONEY (2022)





// KRS30YRS (2021)