Meta is cooked. I have been just treating IG like an airport and announcing my departure for weeks so we can connect elsewhere.
As a wise man once said: Fuck this shit. See you on Bluesky, here on my website, or my newsletter. (Sign up in the bottom right hand corner of this site!)
I permanently deleted my public, verified Facebook page this week, where I had amassed a following of over 80,000 people since the great MySpace migration of the early 00s. I also permanently deleted my private Facebook profile that I use to keep in touch with people I know in real life and have also had forever. Pulled the plug on the official Logan Lynn Threads page, too. This, after already deleting my Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, and Pinterest pages last year.
A bunch of you have reached out to ask me why I am doing this and the reason is very simple. I just do not want to be a participant in the evil empire and its takeover. I am resisting the only way I can — by not allowing my name, likeness, content, audience engagement, or ad dollars, to support fascism and anti-LGBTQ propaganda. I do not want to be preoccupied with engaging something I know is doing terrible shit all over the globe.
October 11th is National Coming Out Day and today I’m celebrating 30 years of being openly queer. It was really unsafe when I was outed as a teenager in the early ‘90s in the Midwest and I’ve been in a process of reclaiming that experience and rescripting that narrative ever since.
Looking at photos of me from that time, it’s hard to imagine anyone hating or wanting to hurt this kid — but it was a different time in the world. I don’t see a 14 year old who has demons in him when I look at this picture. I see a sweet gay kid with big dreams, who deserved better than the hateful, anti-gay church he was born into.
For me, coming out is an ongoing process. I feel like I come out every day, in every room I enter. The term ‘coming out’ means different things to different people, and it’s informed by our individual experiences in the world. You’re still queer before you’re out. Out is a state of mind as much as it is a political act.
Are you able to be your whole self in every room you enter? If so, great. But that’s not always safe. I think people should come out when it works for them and when they are going to be safe in that process. This looks different for everybody.
It’s hard to be afraid of people when you know them to be good, and it’s even harder to hate someone you already love. Whether we are talking about our families, communities, or Hollywood, LGBTQ+ people demanding to be seen and celebrated while showing people who we really are, helps facilitate that.
Be you, baby. Fuck the haters.