Hate Your Life? Blow That Shit Up.

One year ago tonight I decided I was going to pivot professionally, put my belongings in storage, ditch my house, break up, buy a $100,000.00 RV, and move to the ocean with only the dog and a mess of Gucci ready-to-wear. I had no real plan, but knew it was time to quiet things all the way down for a minute.

That minute turned to 8 weird months on the beach, and the path from there to here has been nothing short of strange and beautiful — but my plan did work. 12 months later I’m happy, relaxed, inspired, surrounded by kindness, and regret nothing.

Hate your life? Blow that shit up. ✊

Bull Mountain This Week!

These are the happy faces of 2 ginger creatures who just wrapped an 8 month stint adventuring in the natural world. We’re staying in a rented mansion on stilts in Bull Mountain for the week to cleanse the palate, then I take possession of my new house in Portland one week from today.

Feeling grateful, relieved, excited, and for the first time in ages, really REALLY comfortable.

We’re back, babies! 🖤

Logan Lynn Interviewed on Canadian Broadcast Television for CTV News Story on Erwin Hymer RoadTrek Scandal

I was interviewed by CTV News today in Canada for this story about this international RoadTrek / HYMER / Thor Motor Coach scandal I have somehow found myself at the epicenter of.

Watch on CTV Kitchener by clicking on the screenshot below.





// SOFTCORE (2024)





// R+R CITY (2023)





// DISTRACTED (2023)





// NEW MONEY (2022)





// KRS30YRS (2021)