Nov 2, 2013 Comments Off on The Portland Mercury Picks “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks” for Video Vriday! Weekly Wrap-Up
The Portland Mercury Picks “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks” for Video Vriday! Weekly Wrap-Up
Hometown love today from The Portland Mercury, who included my new video “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks” in this week’s “Video Vriday!” weekly wrap-up! Check it out HERE or keep reading below the video:
From The Portland Mercury: (11/1/2013)
Logan Lynn released his new Halloween-y video this week; ‘Tramps Stamps and Birthmarks’ is a mysterious psychosexual clip made by Hippodrome Films. Lynn recorded the dark-tinged dance track with Spencer Lee Carroll (LackLustre), and Lynn says, “The horror of the video is meant to be a metaphor for the horrors of being trapped in our individual histories.”