Calling All DJ’s, Bands, Producers and Music Nerds: Logan Lynn’s “Turn Me Out” Remix Contest Now Taking Submissions!

It’s that time again! With the “Turn Me Out” music video approaching (and the full record following closely behind) Davey, Gino and I decided that it would be fun to have a good, old-fashioned remix contest. If you are a DJ, Band, Producer or Music Nerd and would like to have your work showcased on upcoming singles and used all over ye ole internets and in dance clubs promoting this new record we’ve been working on the past two years, here’s your chance!

We are looking for remixes of my new single “Turn Me Out” in all genres. Winners will receive my entire discography (1999-2012) as well as more exposure than you will know what to do with. All submissions must be received by Friday, August 10th (so you have a little over one month to make the magic happen). Please submit your track in hi-quality WAV or AIFF format to Logan@LoganLynnMusic.com. To download all the files and remixable audio stems you’ll need for said magic making, CLICK HERE (for the instruments and vocals) and also HERE (for the dry vocals). All entries, even those which are not chosen as contest winners, will be featured on LoganLynnMusic.com. Additionally, if we choose to officially release your track, you will get 50% of the profit from sales.

I can’t wait to hear what you all come up with!

To listen to “Turn Me Out” free now, click on the single cover below.

Logan Lynn: SSION Earthquake – An Interview with Cody Critcheloe

(Originally Published on The Huffington Post on 6/27/2012)

This week while I was in New York City I had the chance to catch up with the mastermind behind the freaky pop genius of SSION, Cody Critcheloe. We talked about new videos, the trials of growing up queer in small towns, what it’s like working with bands like Gossip, Fischerspooner, and Peaches, what it means to “make it” in the music industry in this day and age, and more.

Watch SSION’s “Earthquake” video now, then check out our conversation (and behind the scenes photos from the “Earthquake” shoot by Megan Mantia) below!

LL: Hi Cody! Thanks for chatting with me today. Your new video premiered this past week and the response seems to be really great so far. Congratulations! You and I have both spent a great deal of time in Kansas City. How was the experience of growing up in that part of the country for you? Read the rest of this entry »

Logan Lynn Interview on The Pride Review This Week

Logan Lynn Keith Haring

I was interviewed by The Pride Review this week. You can check out the original post HERE or keep reading below for the transcript.

From The Pride Review: (6/28/2012)

Who is Logan Lynn today?

I’m still trying to figure that out.

Was music your first love and who was your first human love?

Music and I have always loved one another. My first human love was a boy in high school. He was an 18 year old senior and I was a 14 year old freshman. I ended up having to move to Tennessee midway through the school year (without saying goodbye) when a Christian counselor I was made to see outed me to my parents and then said if they didn’t remove me from the school he would report the boy. So, I left the next morning. It was devastating. When I returned later that year, we picked up where we had left off, but he moved away for college after that summer and we didn’t see much of each other after that.

What can we learn from our first love?

I learned to keep my fucking mouth shut to Christian counselors.

What can we learn from music?

I’ve explored the deepest parts of myself through songwriting and have said things melodically that I never would have had the courage to speak. For me, it’s the most honest place.

How did you get into the music business and did you experience it as a fair playground?

I got signed originally in 1999 and my first record was released in 2000. Nothing really took for another few years, though. I’m pretty sure this “fair” you speak of doesn’t exist in any business, music or otherwise. I’ve been really lucky at times and down and out at others. It’s a tough business, and I’ve made a few really public fuck-ups over the years.

What are the experiences you feel like you had to go through and Read the rest of this entry »





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