Quarantine Shows: Feed Me To The Wolves LIVE from Home

Playing that good, old-fashioned computer music tonight. No instruments here this evening, kids. It’s all programming, buttons, knobs and laptops — but this song gave me my career, so I respect the machines that made it. All love for the indie pop robots.


WATCH: Feed Me To The W.T.F. (VIDEO)

I can’t believe it’s been 11 years since this single premiered on MTVLogoVH1 and a bunch of other channels, radio stations, and like…MySpace, I guess?

It was the first time I had ever been on network TV or signed to a major label, and so many people were projecting things onto me at the time, working to mold me, and trying to help fit me into the big game somewhere. Anyone who was tuned in to my nonsense back then will recall, I did not respond well.

“Feed Me To The Wolves” was my first big break, but at its core it’s a song about me trying to survive cocaine addiction, and this video is the last time I would ever be filmed coked out of my mind or drunk. The fact that it was so celebrated at the time — that I was so celebrated in that state of actively, messily, visibly spiraling towards imminent death — seems so curious to me now, over a decade into my recovery.

I was blowing through an 8 ball of coke and drinking at least a fifth of vodka every day, and I showed up to my big break accordingly. I spent $67,000.00 on cocaine in 2007 alone. I was terrible and mean and people thought it was hilarious and marketable.

The crazier I acted, the more folks wrote about me and booked me for shows; and the stranger things got on and off stage at those shows, the more people offered me TV gigs and would come to watch me spin out…but what so many people ended up watching was me canceling performances because I couldn’t remember my words, bailing on appearances at the last minute because my voice quit working (from smoking crack), having my nose begin to die and nearly fall off my face, several public, well-documented overdoses, and eventually (thankfully) disappearing into hospitals and rehabs, emerging well (ish) nearly two years later.

I wish I could go back in time and tell this sad dude to go get help before help is forced upon him in emergency rooms just 18 months later; To not worry about blowing his one shot by pausing the career clock because he ends up blowing his one shot in the end anyway; And that even that’s bullshit because there is no such thing as just one shot, in life or in music.

All that said, I am so grateful for this song, for the peculiar way it continues to find its way into the world all these years later, and how it has ultimately made so many things possible for me, my career, and my life.

Behold: The very last time I ever drank milk.




WATCH: Logan Lynn Hosting “NewNowNext” on MTV’s Logo Network – Now on YouTube! (VIDEO)

Logan Lynn Water Tower - York Nebraska (2013)

Check out baby Logan’s first time being on network TV! To say I was freaking out here is an understatement.

Filmed in June 2008 at MTV studios in New York City, this hour-long episode of “NewNowNext” (Logo’s music video countdown series which ran from 2005 to 2012) premiered on September 7th, 2008. The show aired many times on TVs in over 26,000,000 homes and was picked up by Time/Warner On Demand for the month of October 2008. This episode also included the premier of my video “Feed Me To The Wolves“, which was nominated for video of the year by Logo in 2008.

The channel went on to feature 7 of my videos on “NewNowNext” and “The Click List” over the course of the 7 years the show was on the air.

To watch the full show on Logo Online, click HERE. To watch my interview segments on YouTube, click HERE or on the image below.

Logan Lynn Hosting NewNowNext on MTV Logo





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