Feminism, Ebola and Donuts: Lena Dunham and Carrie Brownstein Make Like Portland (VIDEO)

Carrie Brownstein and Lena Dunham in Portland (2014) by Logan Lynn

(Originally Published on The Huffington Post on 10/22/2014)

This past Sunday night in Portland, GIRLS star and Not That Kind Of Girl author Lena Dunham completed her ten city book tour, “Not That Kind Of Tour“, with an intimate conversation with Portlandia star, Sleater-Kinney rock icon and Portland royalty Carrie Brownstein, live on stage at the Newmark Theatre.

Sponsored by Powell’s Books, the event sold out in just six hours — and it’s no wonder. Both of these smart, funny, talented women are at the top of their game right now, each with hit TV shows, and each having just finished books; Carrie’s book, as revealed by Lena during the conversation, is en route.

Local Portland comedian JoAnn Schinderle opened the evening with a hilarious set. Dunham called her “fucking hilarious” when she took the stage, and then proceeded to read two essays from her new book, which is currently enjoying the #1 position on the New York Times Indie Bestsellers List (no big deal).

After talking about her many physical ailments while on tour, asking the audience if we could see her underwear (adding “Not that I care, I just want to know”), Dunham boldly read her strange, brave, beautiful truth to the crowd of (mostly) strangers, eventually inviting Brownstein to join her on stage.

The two are close friends — texting each other frequently in the midst of Read the rest of this entry »

Logan Lynn Interviewed On Underneath This Feminist Blog This Week. Read It Here!

Logan Lynn (2012)

I was interviewed by the Underneath This Feminist Blog this week. Read our chat on their site HERE or read it below.

From Underneath This: (3/27/2013)

“Logan Lynn is a musician who is gay-identified. He has been writing and making music for a decade and a half. His videos have appeared on LOGO and MTV and he has played across the globe. From 2010 until 2012, Logan took a hiatus from music to devote himself professionally to LGBTQ advocacy at the Q Center in Portland. Logan donated sales from his album, “I Killed Tomorrow Yesterday to the Q Center. In 2012, he returned with the single, “Turn Me Out.”

Logan’s latest music video, “Hologram” can be viewed and heard at http://youtu.be/_fa5WgqY6cA (it is really great!). To access Logan’s music videos, please visit: http://www.YouTube.com/LoganGLEE. Please check out https://www.loganlynnmusic.com for more information about Logan.

Underneath This recently interviewed Logan about identity, music, feminism, as well as the media’s coverage of LGBTQ artists.

Logan Lynn by Eric Sellers and Zaq Banton

What was the process of becoming a musician like for you?

It was a pretty natural progression. I was raised in a fucked up Christian cult that didn’t allow instrumental music, so I was trained as an A cappella vocalist from very early on. When I escaped as a teenager, I fell into the downtown Kansas City 90′s party/rave scene and started spinning records. Then, when I moved to Portland in ’96 I met The Dandy Warhols, Elliot Smith, and immersed myself in the Portland music scene. I recorded my first record “GLEE” from 1998-1999 and it was released in 2000. From there, I slowly got my shit together bit by bit until I finally got signed to Caroline/EMI in 2007. I was on the label for 3 years and have only just last month regained the rights to the masters from that time. I’m going to be re-releasing “From Pillar To Post” and “The Last High” sometime this year, but for now they are out of print…and I am officially free once again! I released my new record “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks” in December myself, and it’s been really nice to not have anyone telling me what to do, how to be, and who I need to be around. My major label experience was Read the rest of this entry »





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