I was on Z100 Portland and JAM’N 107.5 this morning talking about mental health and music with Tra’Renee Chambers.
Listen at Z100 HERE, or press play below:

Thanks to Z100 Portland and JAM’N 107.5 DJ Tra’Renee for having me on as her guest for this week’s Situations & Conversations talk show all about mental health!
Tune in this weekend to both Z100 Portland and JAM’N 107.5 FM to hear our chat.

Though it has been happening for years now, each time I hear one of my songs on the radio feels just as exciting as the first time it happened — way back in 2005. This is probably exacerbated by the fact that whenever any of my family or friends hear me on their radios, they get all excited, too and text me about it. It’s all pretty special.
Big thanks to Portland’s Alternative radio station KNRK 94.7FM, KBOO’s Out Loud Radio, and Portland’s LGBTQ Radio Station Wild Planet Radio for all featuring my tunes this week on the air!
Tune into these stations and request that they play more of me so we can all keep feeling special forever, folks.