Logan Lynn’s “We Can’t Stop” Cover Featured On Huffington Post Entertainment + HuffPost Gay Voices

Logan Lynn and Gino Mari LIVE in Concert in Seattle July 2013 - Photo by Adrian Sotomayor Photography

My cover of “We Can’t Stop” (Miley Cyrus) is featured today on Huffington Post Entertainment and HuffPost Gay Voices!

I’m in really good company on the Gay Voices homepage today as well. Click the screenshot below to read the article, or keep reading below for the transcript:

HuffPost Homepage

From The Huffington Post: (9/16/2013)

“Logan Lynn Covers Miley Cyrus’ ‘We Can’t Stop’ (VIDEO)”

Portland-based openly gay musician Logan Lynn is known for his dance and electronic music, but lately his sound has taken a different direction with his latest single, “Everything You Touch Turns To Gold“.

Now he’s released a free download of his cover of Miley Cyrus’ hit single, “We Can’t Stop” that continues his foray into a bold new direction.

Lynn has been releasing music since 2000. He gained national recognition when his music and videos were played on Logo TV, and while he may be known for his electro-emo music, on his website, he speaks about his new sound and breaking away from the music for which he’s historically been known:

‘You may notice that this cover (and my latest single, released 8/13) are a bit of a departure from the electronics I’ve become synonymous with over the course of the past 15 years. These are just a glimpse into the new direction I’m headed in sonically. I have to keep changing things up or I get bored. This round I’ve put down the dance music a little and Gino has been playing all kinds of instruments instead. It’s been turning out really warm and special so far as a result. I figured this cold, dead pop song was the perfect thing to try and bring to life. Don’t get me wrong — I actually really like Miley’s version, too…but it’s not particularly warm.’

So if Cyrus’ song has grown a bit stale after hearing it played everywhere for the past few months, then check out Lynn’s version to get a “warmer,” different take on this mammoth hit.”

Logan Lynn – Devil May Care: An Interview With Gossip Protégés Magic Mouth

Logan Lynn Interviews Portland Band Magic Mouth on Huffington Post (2013)

(Originally Published on The Huffington Post on 7/26/13)

On the heels of a tour with fellow hometown heroes Gossip, Portland’s Magic Mouth is about to release their new EP Devil May Care on August 15. This record is the follow-up to their 2012 debut Believer EP, and will be available in limited edition 12′ 33RPM format and digital download from Fast Weapons Records (the label owned and operated by Gossip‘s Nathan “Brace Paine” Howdeshell).

I met up with Peter, Ana, Brendan and Chanticleer — (aka Magic Mouth) over at their practice space to interview them about the new record, their time on the road with Gossip, their take on the Portland music scene and more. Read our chat just below.


Photo: Megan Holmes

Logan Lynn: Where did the name Magic Mouth come from?

Chanticleer: It’s about a boy who always gets what he wants. (Smiles)

Logan: (Laughs) Well, that makes sense. For a person who hasn’t heard your music, how would you describe your sound?

Chanticleer: I feel like the core is just roots music. We all have a love and appreciation for Read the rest of this entry »

Logan Lynn: The Treasure of Your Being

(Originally published on The Huffington Post on 2/14/2012)

My mom has been taking a Tao Te Ching class recently, and she posted the following quotation from William Martin’s book A Path and a Practice on her Facebook page today, which struck me:

So we become silent. We stop looking for approval. We cease taking offense at the opinions of others. We no longer complicate our thinking or our lives. We do not seek the spotlight but instead become a simple part of all that is. We can be loved or shunned, make a profit or suffer a loss, be honored or disgraced, and never lose the treasure of our being.

OK. Yes. That sounds amazing. But… how?!

We become silent.

How is one ever truly silent? I’m not talking about staying quiet or not using my voice for an extended period of time, but actually finding a completely still place within where there is only me — no sound, nothing. Where has that place gone? Much of the time the noise I battle in my own life is an inner static. I just can’t ever seem to shut up about me, about you, about my boyfriend, about my job, about my dog, about music, about the government, about money, about the queer community, about what total strangers are doing at the store — and this is all happening inside my head all day long, 365 days a year. It’s exhausting, and moreover, it’s loud.

We stop looking for approval.

I have basically spent my entire life up to this point doing this and only this, attempting to accomplish it in a variety of ways over the years, with mixed results. I realized very early on that I was different and that my particular kind of different was not the type that most people around me took kindly to, so I started figuring out ways of getting people to value my existence externally, and I just never stopped doing that. I have looked for approval from my friends, family, God, record labels, men — you name it. I chased a professional dream down a path that has led me to here and now, in this very moment, still seeking your approval, hoping that what I write is good enough for you, that my thoughts are interesting enough, and worrying that you might not think I’m worth anything once you know how desperately I need you to think I am.

We cease taking offense at the opinions of others.

This part truly offends me. I will not legitimize it with words.

We no longer complicate our thinking or our lives.

I spend hours every day over-thinking things. From the small stuff to the big stuff, my inner thought process of choice has always been circular, and it leaves me dizzy and paralyzed much of the time. Read the rest of this entry »


Hope everybody is having a great new year so far. We are just 2 days in and I am already announcing exciting stuff! I was recently asked to come on board as a blogger for The Huffington Post and they published my 1st piece today in the Gay Voices section HERE. It’s called “Unhappiness Is A Strange Muse“. Please comment, share and click the “Like” button…and you can subscribe to my future posts on my official HuffPost author page HERE.

Cray Cray, huh?





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