Spotify Releases “This is Logan Lynn” Retrospective in “This is” Playlist Series. Listen Here First.


The good folks at ‪Spotify put together a best-of retrospective of my career titled “This is Logan Lynn” as part of their “This Is” playlist series and I’m not sure whether to promote it or apologize. 😊🎧‬

Thank you so much, Spotify! ‪I’m in really good company and it’s a total honor.

‪It’s live HERE now if ya wanna give it a spin, or click on the screenshot below. Hi Ariana Grande! Read the rest of this entry »

Leaving Neverland, Wherever You Are

Lots of TV talking heads screaming about how shocked they are that the adults in HBO’s “Leaving Neverland” documentary all seem to have just gone along with Michael Jackson’s predation; but sexual predators are experts at grooming entire families, and it happens slowly, over time.

This was certainly the case with what happened during my own youth. These people can sense when space exists between a child and their parents, perhaps created from previous abuse, neglect, some other type of trauma, or a need that isn’t being met at home, and they shapeshift to fill that empty space, meeting the need — not just for the victim in their sights, but for all of the grown-ups around that child. It’s easy to judge looking in from the outside, but make no mistake: These parents and families are victims of the monster, too.

When I was 16 I had a much older teacher start showing me special attention and eventually openly seduce me during a summer art program for teens that I was attending at the Pacific Northwest College of Art, and literally nobody gave a shit. Grown-ups offered me rides to and from this man’s house, where he regularly fed me and my underage friends drugs and alcohol, and had sex with me. None of this happened in the shadows. I was openly sleeping over at this teacher’s house, in his bed, showering in his master bathroom. Nothing was a secret; not to his friends, roommates, family, and coworkers — and not to mine. Read the rest of this entry »

LOOK: Broadway Legend Joanna Gleason and Son, “My Movie Star” Collaborator Aaron David Gleason (PHOTOS)

I’m trying to be cool about this but Broadway legend hero supertalent (and best FRIENDS guest star of all time, hands down) Joanna Gleason is holding a copy of my new record “My Movie Star” in this photograph (while standing next to her darling talented son Aaron David Gleason, who appears on side B) and OH MY GOD I’M FULL FANBOY SCREAMING!!!

If you haven’t heard Aaron’s beautiful cover yet, click HERE or press play below! The album is out now on Vinyl, CD, and Digital Download in the music section of this site, and everywhere else music is streamed and sold.





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// R+R CITY (2023)





// DISTRACTED (2023)





// NEW MONEY (2022)





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