Logan Lynn: The Pariah Pool

(Originally Published in Just Out Magazine, February 2013 – Final Print Issue)

In The Trenches: The Pariah Pool

Last year was a time of big sweeping change for me. I lost two pieces of my deepest love to the great beyond, grew closer to another human being than ever before, and let go of another round of “friends” to superficiality. There seemed to be a feeling layer of marginalization spread throughout the year. Even now, in the second month of 2013, it walks beside me, greeting me at every turn. The truth is, that particular feeling and I have been walking hand in hand for as long as I can remember.

Most recently, this marginalized feeling came from some members of the queer community as well as some in the right-wing evangelical Christian community not agreeing with my inter-community dialogue work between the Mars Hill Church and members of Portland’s LGBTQ community (as well as my very public comments and opinions about the vandalism and threats of violence which followed); it came from community “leaders” who didn’t appreciate me stirring up the status quo; from the Read the rest of this entry »

Just Out Magazine Picks Logan Lynn’s “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks” as One of the Top 5 Albums of 2012!

Just Out Magazine picked my new record “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks” as #4 on their Top 5 Portland Albums of 2012 list! On stands now in the January 2013 issue, or check out the online version HERE.

Here’s what they had to say:

4. Logan Lynn – Tramp Stamps & Birthmarks
His danceable beats with upbeat tunes have landed him praise such as “the new Golden boy of electro-pop.” To me, the darker lyrics behind these quality gay club anthems give dance floor debauchery a message and meaning.





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