New Logan Lynn Single “We Will Overcome” Out 9.9.14

Logan Lynn (2014) We Will Overcome

As most of you already know, my band boys and I have been hard at work on a new record since last year and, while the full album will not be out until sometime next year, we are releasing two brand new songs as a sneak peek of what’s to come next month!

Pre-order your copy HERE.

I’m thrilled to be working with Los Angeles-based artist Ian O’Phelan on the cover art this round. Check out more from Ian on his website HERE.

Logan Lynn:  "We Will Overcome" Cover Art by Ian O'Phelan (2014)

Logan Lynn: “We Will Overcome”
Releases: Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

1. We Will Overcome
2. Break Me Down

Lyrics and Vocals: Logan Lynn
Guitar and Keys: Gino Mari
Drums: “AC”

Produced by Gino Mari.
Recorded and Mixed at The Country Club Studios, Portland, Oregon.
Mastered by Stephan Hawkes at The Breakroom Studios, Portland, Oregon.

I am so excited for you all to hear what we have been up to! Stay tuned…

Are You Struggling With Your Mental Health?

Logan Lynn (2014)

Hey friends and followers,

As someone who has struggled with addiction and other issues of mental health my whole life, I understand how hard it can be to reach out when you are feeling alone.

Please know that I am in this with you. I am here and am more than happy to help connect you to support where you are, just as others have done for me at times over the years.

It may feel like the world has stopped caring about you, but I have not. You are beautiful and loved, darlings. The email button on this page (to the right) is there for clicking. Please use it anytime. We can be survivors together.






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