WATCH: Logan Lynn’s #NatCon17 Appearances and Performance at the National Council Awards of Excellence (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

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I had one of the most magical moments of my life and career this past week with the National Council in Seattle. It was a whirlwind of inspiration and recognition and I’m moved beyond words. (Which I realize is complicated in a written post like this. ha!)

Here’s the good news: Keep Oregon Well and Flawless Foundation partnered all throughout #NatCon17 and they have words about it, which were just published last night on the Keep Oregon Well blog. What they wrote absolutely captures the spirit of the week, so I have included it below instead of trying to re-capture it myself. Lots of cute, supportive Tweets at the bottom of the page. OMG.

Thank you again to the National Council! My heart is full.


From Keep Oregon Well and Flawless Foundation: (4/6/17)

This week, the brainchild behind Keep Oregon Well and our very own Chief Impact Officer, Logan Lynn, was called on to share his many talents at the National Council for Behavioral Health’s annual conference, #NatCon17. First, he brought his expertise in community engagement to a panel discussion, “Health Systems Partnering with Communities for Whole Health,” and led a Facebook Live Q&A aftershow with his fellow presenters which, as of publishing this post, has already been viewed over 30,000 times on our Facebook page alone! Then, at the 2017 Awards of Excellence show Tuesday night, Logan was honored by the National Council for the positive impact he has made through Excellence in Artistic Expression and topped off the evening with a live performance of his new song, “Big City Now”.

Watch our Facebook Live video of Logan Lynn’s acceptance speech and performance:

As he shared during the panel, Logan brings a history of lived experience with mental health struggles and substance use challenges to his work with Read the rest of this entry »

Naming The Big Muck Inside You: An Interview with Mitski


It’s been over a decade since I added a songwriter to my life’s soundtrack — the music that plays when I’m by myself; songs that become the vehicle for my own feelings and melodies to emerge — but Mitski‘s entire catalog made the cut last year.

This talented human is unflinching in her willingness to march bravely inward, and unmatched by her peers in her relentless pursuit of truth as a songwriter.  In short: Mitski Miyawaki is the real deal.  

Watch Mitski’s “Happy” Video:

I caught up with Mitski this week in advance of her upcoming Portland show at Wonder Ballroom.  We talked about music, self-care, mental health and more.  Read our chat below.


Logan Lynn: Hi Mitski! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat. I know you are in the midst of a super busy tour right now. How long are you on the road for this round of shows?

Mitski: I can’t really tell anymore. This west coast tour is two weeks long, but I have tours back to back after it, so I won’t be “off the road” until August. I used to think of my life on the road as somehow separate from my life off the road, as if tour was this thing I had to get through in order to get to my “real” life off the road. But now that I’m on the road more than not, I’ve had to shift my thinking away from looking at my life in chunks of time – it’s unhealthy to think of 9 months out of a year as “not the real part.” So now I just focus on what I’m doing each day. Read the rest of this entry »





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