Exclusive Premiere of Logan Lynn and Jay Mohr’s NC-17 Rated “Nothing’s Ever Wrong” Video at Self-Titled Magazine

Self-Titled Magazine has the exclusive premiere of my big Hollywood directorial debut starring Jay Mohr, “Nothing’s Ever Wrong” live on their site today! Warning: The Director’s Cut contains full-frontal male nudity, so…maybe N.S.F.W. (depending on where you work)

Watch the premiere on Self-Titled HERE, or keep reading below for the full transcript.

From Self-Titled Magazine: (9/10/18)

Logan Lynn Taps Jay Mohr for Moody “Nothing’s Ever Wrong” Video


When Jay Mohr first heard Logan Lynn‘s ADIEU. LP a few years back, the actor/comedian was immediately struck by a line in the song “Break Me Down”—one that lingers long after it fades to black.

“‘Love me and I’ll kill it with you in time’ hit me between the eyes,” Mohr explained in an interview earlier this year. “I thought, ‘There! There’s the real guy!'”

And by that, he meant the melancholy Lynn had yet to fully embrace in his time as a musician. Inspired by Mohr’s honest feedback, the singer/multi-medium artist decided to write his next record on a Steinway piano at home and tap Mohr as its co-producer. While everything was eventually fleshed out at Portland’s Hallowed Halls studio with the help of a T-Pain-approved pianist (GLASYS) and a couple seasoned engineers (Justin Phelps, Mike Blackburn), Lynn never wavered from recording his most intimate work yet.

That’s certainly the case with My Movie Star‘s opening number, “Nothing’s Ever Wrong,” a song so spare and spellbinding it threatens to stop time entirely. Or at the very least, force you to put that mobile device down and actually listen.

“‘Nothing’s Ever Wrong’ is one of my favorite songs,” Mohr wrote us over email. “Not just on the album; it’s one of my favorite songs ever. There’s something so heartbreaking about it—so much story just off mic… because it needs to be. There’s a deeper canyon of emotion just out of reach. What you and I can handle carefully and process; that’s what he shares.

Mohr continues, “Logan Lynn is a loving artist. He knows he has doors to open that we can’t close, so in ‘Nothing’s Ever Wrong’ he leaves out everything but what’s there. The big change to the minor chords when he sings ’cause it’s not my life’…. It shook me. I mean driving-and-crying shook me. It’s so beautiful. Indescribably beautiful, but it’s ominous for me… foreboding. Like if he goes any further it will break your heart; a door that can never be closed if he opens it.”

Check out an exclusive premiere of the single’s NSFW video and a statement from its first-time director: Lynn himself, who brings out a bold, moving side of Mohr we rarely get to see….

“This was one of the very first songs I ever sent Jay, way back when I was first writing this record, which he completely inspired. The song is about our histories of loneliness as people and the lengths we all sometimes go to in order to be seen. It’s about wanting to be genuinely cared for and celebrated as the person you actually are on the inside or when no one is looking—something I think Hollywood does a shitty job of, especially when you’re a celebrity like JJ. Humanity is exploited, if acknowledged at all. When it came time to bring all of those themes to life for the video, the trust Jay and I have for one another really played out in a beautiful way.” —Logan Lynn

For behind the scenes pics and clips from the “Nothing’s Ever Wrong” video shoot, CLICK HERE.





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