
I was being interviewed for an upcoming story and when they asked about what I hope people take away from this new record, I said my entire goal this album cycle has been to be so unabashedly queer that even people who thought they were pro-gay before go “Ewww!” whenever they see me, hear the songs, or watch the videos.

I dunno about you, but I think it’s working. 🏳️‍🌈

Kill Rock Stars

Logan Lynn – Nursed in Darkness: KOORTWAH Wants to Be Blood Brothers

Logan Lynn Interview with KOORTWAH (2013)

(Originally Published on The Huffington Post on 8/8/13)

With a new video and EP out and plans for much more in the works, 2013 is shaping up to be a busy year for NYC’s black-magic electropopper KOORTWAH. I caught up with him this week to talk about the video for his new single “forty five” (below), how body fluids inform his artistic process, what it means to be a faceless artist in the age of manufactured celebrity, and much more.

(The interview begins after the video. WARNING: The video contains some graphic content. Watch at your own discretion.)

Logan Lynn: Hello, sir. Thanks for chatting with me today. I know you recently removed your face from your artistic identity. Why did you make this decision?

KOORTWAH: I suppose that I’m concerned with, among other things, the difference between personal fame and professional recognition. It’s not so much about hiding my identity, though, as it is about creating a new one. As an artist, I feel that it’s my job to encourage people to ask questions, as opposed to providing them with answers. A mask is really just another question. Read the rest of this entry »

Logan Lynn – Devil May Care: An Interview With Gossip Protégés Magic Mouth

Logan Lynn Interviews Portland Band Magic Mouth on Huffington Post (2013)

(Originally Published on The Huffington Post on 7/26/13)

On the heels of a tour with fellow hometown heroes Gossip, Portland’s Magic Mouth is about to release their new EP Devil May Care on August 15. This record is the follow-up to their 2012 debut Believer EP, and will be available in limited edition 12′ 33RPM format and digital download from Fast Weapons Records (the label owned and operated by Gossip‘s Nathan “Brace Paine” Howdeshell).

I met up with Peter, Ana, Brendan and Chanticleer — (aka Magic Mouth) over at their practice space to interview them about the new record, their time on the road with Gossip, their take on the Portland music scene and more. Read our chat just below.


Photo: Megan Holmes

Logan Lynn: Where did the name Magic Mouth come from?

Chanticleer: It’s about a boy who always gets what he wants. (Smiles)

Logan: (Laughs) Well, that makes sense. For a person who hasn’t heard your music, how would you describe your sound?

Chanticleer: I feel like the core is just roots music. We all have a love and appreciation for Read the rest of this entry »





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