Happy Thanksgiverz 2013, Darlings!

Logan Lynn by Eric Sellers & Zaq Banton (2012) 3

It sure has been an eventful year so far. From releasing my record “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks” in December of last year, then building a live show and touring it this past summer, to Miley Cyrus blowing my world up this past September, to a mountain of personal triumphs and tragedies the likes of which you will have to wait to hear about in my book (which is also a real thing as of this year), I am left feeling lucky to be part of something so moving.

I feel so thankful to have all of you in my life still after all these years. It’s pretty incredible, actually…and I do not take it for granted. I am so lucky I sometimes can’t believe it.

A lot of people have worked really hard for a really long time to make this amazing thing happen with my music, and I am just so grateful for each and every one of you who has ever worked with me on a song or video, shared a stage with me at a show, or bought one of my records and played it for your friends. Every good thing that has been happening to me lately is because of all of your love and dedication, so…THANK YOU!

My life is in the midst of what can only be called a huge transition this year, and it’s a lot to take in, so I am doing my best to breathe and move very slowly. I’m sure I will miss things, and I’m sure I will fuck things up along the way…but I feel hopeful about the future and am just so excited about that.

This week I wrapped a top secret feature film that we have been shooting for the better part of the last two years, which I can’t tell you any more about until after the new year, but I am so excited to share this piece of my life with you soon. Thank you to everyone who has supported me through this process. Making movies is hard, y’all!

…and last, but not least, Gino Mari and I have been camped back out at The Country Club studios in Portland and we are already 4 songs into laying down this new record. I’ve never felt so connected, so viscerally involved, with a group of songs in my life. This experience has been nothing short of spiritual so far, full of heartbreaking, sometimes impossible moments to face – and yet, it’s sounding beautiful and just so right.

We’re thinking we will probably release a single sometime in the Spring to give you a taste of what we’ve been up to, so…just make it through winter and I promise to make it worth your while.


That’s all for now, my dears. I hope this finds each of you happy and well and that you eat to your heart’s content on Thursday!

xx – Logan

Logan Lynn’s “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks” Video Watched Over 300,000 Times In Its First Three Weeks!

Logan Lynn Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks (2013)

My new video “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks“, the 1st single we have put out post-Miley boom, has passed the 300,000 views mark in just 3 weeks since its release!  I seriously love you all for embracing this very scary piece of dance music horror filth we created. It’s really fun so have so many people dig it!

Huge thanks to Spencer Lee Carroll for writing this song with me, to Gino Mari for Mixing and Producing it, to Robert D’Esposito for being such a creep in the video, to Kevin Forrest for his vision, to Ben Starkey for his mad skills, to Emily Yurek for making everything so beautiful, and to Josh Smith and Kelly Raine for making everything work while we were shooting. I love Hippodrome Films and can’t wait to work with you kids again soon!

Watch the video on YouTube HERE or press play below:

Logan Lynn’s “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks” Music Video Watched Over 80,000 Times In Its First Week!

Still From Logan Lynn - Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks - Official Music Video - Hippodrome Films (2013)

Everyone involved in the making of my new video “Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks” has been freaking over the response so far! We released the single and video one week ago and it has been watched over 72,000 times on YouTube and over 8,000 times on Vimeo – which puts our view count at over 80,000 in just 7 days! Amazing, right?

Thanks for all the love, sweet world!

Watch it on YouTube HERE and on Vimeo HERE now.





// REMIXES (2024)





// SOFTCORE (2024)





// R+R CITY (2023)





// DISTRACTED (2023)





// NEW MONEY (2022)





// KRS30YRS (2021)