Thank you, Idaho friends!

I decided to try living in Idaho one year ago today and found my house here a month later. It was a bold, reckless move and I honestly felt like I had fucked my entire life up for a minute, just given the twists and turns that took place right after I got here — but one day I just, like…felt better.

In the months that followed, I kicked off a bunch of projects and partnerships with really talented Boise music and film people, met a great man here by accident, and we fell in love. Life is happy and peaceful. A beautiful plot twist in the potato field.

That’s all just to say, I guess I live here. Thank you to everyone who has made me feel welcome and at home. 🌈🥔

Category: Boise, Boise Music, Garden City, Gay Stuff, Home, Idaho, LGBT, life, Logan Lynn, Love, Music, News, Queer, Shit That Makes Me Die Dead, Unbelievable Stuff, Uncategorized

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