LOOK: Logan Lynn and Charli XCX Partner on Special Keep Oregon Well Greenroom Interview About Mental Health (VIDEO)

Charli XCX and Sheila Hamilton in Logan Lynn's Keep Oregon Well Greenroom in Portland

Big thanks to Charli XCX for her over-the-top amazing support of our Keep Oregon Well campaign and social movement to #FightStigma and #EndDiscrimination! — and also to my incredible friend Sheila Hamilton for making time to do this interview today.

I adore you both so much it hurts! ❤


WATCH: Logan Lynn Talks All Things Mental Health This Week on “Straight Talk with Laural Porter” (VIDEO)

Logan Lynn and Laural Porter on Straight Talk NBC KGW (2017)

I was the guest on “Straight Talk with Laural Porter” this week on KGW-TV for a 2-part special called “Mental Health in Oregon”.

We talked about recovery, music, mental illness, the future of the Affordable Care Act, homelessness, the Keep Oregon Well social movement to end stigma and more! Dr. Derald Walker from Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare is also a guest on the show.

Watch both segments below!

“Straight Talk: Mental Health in Oregon (Part 1)”

“Straight Talk: Mental Health in Oregon (Part 2)”

LISTEN: Logan Lynn Interviewed About Music and Mental Health This Week on Z100 Portland and JAM’N 107.5 FM! (AUDIO)

Logan Lynn and Tra Renee on Z100 and JAMN 1075 Portland (2017)

I was on Z100 Portland and JAM’N 107.5 this morning talking about mental health and music with Tra’Renee Chambers.

Listen at Z100 HERE, or press play below:





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