Jun 24, 2020 Comments Off on Mocktails Up In Here
Mocktails Up In Here
Wednesday evening’s non-alcoholic adult beverage hour at home, courtesy of Lyres and their zero proof White Cane liquor.
You can have it for a treat. 💋
Jun 24, 2020 Comments Off on Mocktails Up In Here
Wednesday evening’s non-alcoholic adult beverage hour at home, courtesy of Lyres and their zero proof White Cane liquor.
You can have it for a treat. 💋
Jun 10, 2020 Comments Off on Tonight’s Quarantine Mocktail…
May 29, 2020 Comments Off on All of the Kick, None of the Kill
I invested in a ton of zero proof (non-alcoholic) booze and have re-introduced fancy nightly cocktails into my life during quarantine. It has honestly been great.
If you feel like you want a drink but aren’t interested in slowly poisoning yourself with alcohol, I highly recommend. Ritual Zero Proof makes this killer gin alternative that tastes like the real thing and has all of the kick, but none of the kill. 🤘