Well it has been really amazing getting to work with The Gentry this past year. I’ve been able to realize some loud rock dreams with those guys in tow and I’m really grateful for the time they spent working to prepare for our tour together this Summer and all the time spent traveling around the U.S. with me in a van. We had some really magical moments on and off stage. I was finally able to move past some fairly long-standing stage fright and found freedom in the band format, having just been a singing DJ up to that point. I have Gino, Steve & AC to thanks for that.

We have had our share of disasters along the way as well…much of which revolved around our drummer’s body slowly breaking bone by bone. Dude broke his hand in San Francisco (and just kept playing) then he broke his foot 4 days before the big farewell show at Mississippi Studios in Portland and had surgery on his foot (metal plate anyone?) THE DAY BEFORE. He’s an animal.

At any rate, we made some last minute adjustments to the show obviously because he couldn’t play the entire hour long set. One such change was a bit of a throwback to my humble singing DJ beginnings from years back. It was fun to play some of the new stuff and have it just be pop. If my lighting guy had remembered to bring his board to go along with the lights we lugged to the venue it would have been a lot better…or maybe not. It ended up being very intimate, very bare bones, unmasked & vulnerable. It seemed like a very appropriate way to leave things. Here’s a clip from the karaoke portion of last week’s final show:

Logan Lynn: “Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen” & “Velocity” LIVE at Mississippi Studios, Portland (August 20th, 2010)

Next up is a clip from our secret show at this year’s Salem Pride Festival. It ended up being one of the best shows of the entire Summer. Sadly, the camera was right in front of Gino’s guitar amp so the sound of this video is way more fucked up than it usually is but it was such a good day I figured I’d post it anyway.


Logan Lynn & The Gentry: “Smoke Rings” LIVE at Salem Pride (August 7th, 2010)


Q Town Magazine interviewed me for this month’s issue (on stands now in Virginia, online HERE. Check out the full transcript below! I talk about the usual things people talk about in interviews: cocaine, butt sex, being a jerk, fucking my life up, Jesus, etc.


From Q TOWN Magazine (August 2010 Issue):

It’s been quite a trip for Portland electronica artist Logan Lynn. From his first studio album, This Is Folk Techno in 1998 to his latest From Pillar To Post, Lynn transports us away to his buzzing trance-like world. Famous for edgy lyrics and playful beats, Lynn creates excitement on MTV, Logo, VH1, Spike and in the pulsating indie music scene.

Q town recently caught up with Logan to chat about hooking up with The Dandy Warhols, his connection to his fans, and how queer culture influences the mainstream.

QT: Your style has been called electro-house mixed with folk, which is a really interesting combination. How did these two come together for you?

LL: I was always really interested in both genres separately growing up and coming into my own musically as a songwriter. At some point in the late 90’s I started blending the two together. Back then nobody really understood what I was doing. I would have shows and people would just stand there and scratch their heads. I could tell they were like “What the hell is this guy doing?”, but that was mostly because they just had no reference point. That was WAY before The Postal Service or some of those groups that came along in the mid 2000’s. Once that all started getting big is when people really started to gravitate to my music. I repackaged and re-released the same record in 2005 that I had released in 2000 and the reaction was amazing so I immediately recorded all the songs I had been writing during that 5 year hiatus from making records and got the ball rolling for my self-titled record in 2006. I’m glad people get it now.

QT: How did you hook up with the indie-rock band The Dandy Warhols and what has that experience been like for you?

LL: I was working on an ad campaign for a company in Los Angeles in 2005 & we hired a photographer from Portland named Ray Gordon who I ended up partying with for days in LA. He fell in love with some of the new material I played him and just happened to be really good friends with Courtney Taylor-Taylor (the Dandys’ frontman). He knew they were starting a label, Courtney and I met, he got really into my record, they signed me in 2007 and released my last record “From Pillar To Post” on their Beat The World label in 2009. It has been really great to have access to their studio and to be able to learn from them. It has been quite the journey from there to here.

QT: Can you tell us the inspiration to the lyrics behind your sharply-titled single, “Bottom your way to the top”?

LL: Well, I was in a very long-term relationship that started ending in 2007, but eluded finality until a little over a year ago. At one point, as our 6 years together were dissolving, the words “Just go and bottom your way to the top, then” was yelled my way….so I wrote a song about it. That whole record (“From Pillar To Post”) is about that time in my life. I was immersed in cocaine partyworld and was losing my love. I didn’t react very well to the breakup initially. I acted out in ways that were, well…song-worthy.

QT: We really love the video for “Bottom your way to the top”. In addition to being a musician you’re also a visual artist. Did you help contribute to the concept behind the video?

LL: Nice one! Thanks. I am always involved in some aspect of everything, but I think much of my success has been found in letting the people I work with do their jobs (be it on songs or videos). I have yet to drink my own Kool-Aid to the point where I think I know how to do everything better than everyone else. That’s bullshit. Anyway, the director Jeffrey McHale (from Chicago) had a very clear vision. I came to him because I felt like he and I had a similar point of view. It turned out that we did. He introduced me to an illustrator named John Parot who came on board to illustrate the video which Jeff then animated. Interestingly enough, John Parot is a contestant on Bravo’s “Work Of Art: The Search For The Next Great Artist” this season. He does amazing work. I love that we got him on that video. His drawings are really what next-leveled that one.

QT: What would you say is the best part of being a performer?

LL: I love the connections I make with people. I think because my songs are so personal they tend to find people that are similar to me. That’s been the case thusfar at least. That connection, that shrinking of the world to a size I can deal with, has been the best part of all of this so far. I like feeling like my crazy is understandable my hundreds of thousands of people. Like…other people aren’t running away from my ugly parts on display so maybe I’m not such a fucking psycho after all?

QT: You’ve been a fixture on MTV, VH1, Spike TV and Logo Online and you’ve got a huge following. How did it feel to break into the biz?

LL: It felt different than I thought it was going to. It is amazing that I get to live out my lifelong dreams and have been able to get to the point I’m at currently with this whole thing…but I’ll be honest and say that I always had it in my mind that I would get here and suddenly be happy, suddenly feel like I belong. Unfortunately, that is not the case so I’ve had to mourn the loss of that delusional notion as it has become clear that there just simply is no golden ticket. I love singing, I love writing, I love that there are so many people who feel a connection with me and my songs…but it’s isolating, too. That’s sort-of the nature of the beast I guess…but I wasn’t prepared for that part. It gets lonely on the island, ya know?

Read the rest of this entry »


After this coming weekend’s show at Flipside Nightclub for Salem Pride there is just one more chance to catch me live before I go on extended hiatus! The last hoorah will be going down in Portland at Mississippi Studios on Friday, August 20th at 9pm. I’ll be performing with The Gentry and Portland superstars Matrimony and DJ Girlfriends are also on the bill. Because of the special nature of the evening, KZME Radio will be filming, recording the audio, and broadcasting the event so…wear your best rock video outfits!


There will be much dancing…only on this last special night we will dance the dance of many magical years together one more time before I bid you farewell and step away from the bright lights and loud noise for a few years. Please come so I can thank you for the past 10 years of love in person.

Tickets are on sale now. CLICK HERE to get yours. RSVP to the Facebook Event Page HERE.





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