LISTEN: Logan Lynn Interviewed on the Grief Gratitude & Greatness Podcast This Week (AUDIO)

I’m the guest on this week’s episode of the Grief Gratitude & Greatness Podcast. We chat about life, fucking up, making things right, letting go, and more. ‬

‪Have a listen HERE, or click on the image below.

Logan Lynn and Jay Mohr Make Like Bert and Ernie All Over Portland (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Logan Lynn and Jay Mohr (2017)

I love it when the Bert to my Ernie, the Howard Stern to my Robin Quivers, the Tweedle-Dee to my Tweedle-Dum, the Chip to my Dale, the Sonny to my Cher, the Bette Midler to my Barbara Hershey (this exercise could go on for days) motherfuckin’ Bob Sugar himself, Jay Mohr booooobie comes to town!

Vacation shenanigans for days, y’all. 🙂

If you’ve ever wanted to watch Jay Mohr shave while I sing A cappella spirituals in the background, now’s your chance:

Watch Jay (in character as Roger Darling) interview me in my living room here:



And this very important Run The Jewels V. Jay Mohr Lip Sync for Your Life: Read the rest of this entry »

6 Years Clean This Month.

Logan Lynns Pomeranian Harvey

This month marks the 6 year anniversary of my being free from the crippling addiction to cocaine, alcohol, and crack cocaine which almost took my life in 2008.

Thank you to my sweet family and friends for standing by me through the 16 years it took me to land after taking off. I owe every minute of this hard fought-for life I live every day now to the hard fought-for love each of you gave me then, and the seemingly boundless compassion you have shown me in the years since.

If any of you reading this are struggling with addiction or are feeling hopeless about ever feeling better, please message me here or send me an email at Logan@LoganLynnMusic.com — I am happy to help connect you to resources where you live anytime.






// REMIXES (2024)





// SOFTCORE (2024)





// R+R CITY (2023)





// DISTRACTED (2023)





// NEW MONEY (2022)





// KRS30YRS (2021)