Man, what a year.

I usually try and make some sort of end of year wrap-up post but this year feels impossible to summarize.

Beautiful and horrible and ugly and wonderful. New city. New EP. New film. New beginnings. New love. New baby. New record incoming.

Here’s to the adventure.

( Casey M. Dudley)

Birthday gayface incoming…

I turn 44 in 10 more days and had myself a very wild year. All’s well that ends well, though — and this one has certainly ended well.

Here’s to the next trip around the sun being cute. I’m happy to be here.

Thank you, Idaho friends!

I decided to try living in Idaho one year ago today and found my house here a month later. It was a bold, reckless move and I honestly felt like I had fucked my entire life up for a minute, just given the twists and turns that took place right after I got here — but one day I just, like…felt better.

In the months that followed, I kicked off a bunch of projects and partnerships with really talented Boise music and film people, met a great man here by accident, and we fell in love. Life is happy and peaceful. A beautiful plot twist in the potato field.

That’s all just to say, I guess I live here. Thank you to everyone who has made me feel welcome and at home. 🌈🥔





// SOFTCORE (2024)





// R+R CITY (2023)





// DISTRACTED (2023)





// NEW MONEY (2022)





// KRS30YRS (2021)