Logan Lynn’s “ADIEU” Reviewed in the February 2017 Issue of Disarm Magazine

Logan Lynn's ADIEU on 150 gram red double vinyl album (2017 Disarm Magazine)

Disarm Magazine picked my new record ADIEU as one of the 10 “Best Albums of 2016” just days ago and now they have published the most exquisite, long-form review in this month’s issue!

I am so touched that they took the time to really listen to our record the way they so clearly did. What a review!

Click HERE to read it on Disarm Magazine’s website, or keep reading below.

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37 True Things I Hope I Never Forget That I’ve Already Learned About Life on the Eve of my 37th Birthday


I’m turning 37 tomorrow and wrote myself a list of 37 true things I hope I never forget that I’ve already learned about life.

1. No one is going to believe in you all the way except for you. You will have supporters and sales and reviews and boos and applause and every so often other people might even want to take a piece, but the dream is yours and yours alone. People will tell you that you don’t belong or that you shouldn’t believe, but here’s what: You DO and you SHOULD. Nobody puts baby in a corner (but know that literally everyone will try)

2. That pure belief you have inside yourself is made of solid gold. Protect it. It’s the most valuable thing you will ever own.

3. It’s perfectly alright to enjoy being in quiet, dark places by yourself. The world is hard and bright and you are allowed to go inside whenever you damn well please and stay there for as long as you damn well like.

4. The truth is magic. Every good thing that has come to you in your life has been because Read the rest of this entry »

Logan Lynn’s Upcoming Studio Album “ADIEU.” Featured in Vortex Music Magazine


From Vortex Magazine

Sex, Dogs and Mental Health? Logan Lynn Tackles Depression and Suicidal Ideation on New Record

by Chris Young

After years of translating emotional hardship into musical coherence, Lynn’s grief has “opened the door to creating something beautiful” as he returns with his eighth studio record, ‘Adieu,’ in September.

To put it simply, Logan Lynn’s been through some shit lately. After losing his beloved Pomeranian, Dutch, followed by the demise of his romantic relationship, Lynn documented, sonically, all the emotion that was pouring forth from his being.

Recording some 500 voice notes on his phone “over the course of this particular four-month mental health crisis,” Lynn waded “through the hours of often incoherent, tearful screaming sessions and a cappella melodies” and found the bones to his new record, Adieu.

“Unlike all of my other albums, every single one of these songs was born in my head without any instruments,” Lynn explains. “They all came out almost like spirituals.” Alongside longtime collaborator and producer Gino Mari, the pair took the pieces and made them into songs. “It has been difficult and beautiful and I feel so proud of what we have made out of something so terrible.” Read the rest of this entry »





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