I hear a lot about downtown Portland being gone forever and have seen tons of stories about how the soul of the city is lost on the news — but I spent yesterday downtown and had the best time. It didn’t feel like PDX is gone at all. If anything, it felt like Old Portland is starting to make its return, but has a Gucci store now. It’s great.

In other news, I was gonna start juicing on illegal steroids but read that you still have to exercise for them to be effective, so what’s the point?

#GucciEpilogue // 📸 Polaroid i-Type Film, 2020

Watch Elliott Smith: Heaven Adores You FREE for the Next 72 Hours

Thanks to everyone who tuned in for today’s Elliott Smith: Heaven Adores You livestream. It was great to celebrate this man’s life and music with you all.

The link to watch the film for free will be up for the next 72 hours. Go watch! 🖤 —> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1-3Ss3z3Go

Logan Lynn, Mary Lou Lord and Others on This Week’s Elliott Smith Documentary Livestream

Really looking forward to being a guest this Sunday at the Elliott Smith: Heaven Adores You livestream event celebrating our friend Elliott Smith’s life and music.

Tune in on Twitter to hear those of us who knew this magic man share stories from way back when as we watch this beautiful film together! ❤️





// REMIXES (2024)





// SOFTCORE (2024)





// R+R CITY (2023)





// DISTRACTED (2023)





// NEW MONEY (2022)





// KRS30YRS (2021)