Still testing negative a week after our show and just wanna say thank you to everybody who was there and helped us create a Covid-safe environment.

Testing works. Vaccines work. Everyone wearing masks works. Performing in large, ventilated rooms works.

We can figure this out. But, like…people have to care about each other.


Got booster #2 today and so far I am still dumb and gay.

Vaccines are fun and safe and boosters make you pretty and popular.

It’s science!

I am done with islands.

After my weird Hollywood thing ended in 2018, I knew I needed to take some time to just be alone with myself and the baby dog on the beach. We stayed out there for 8 months together, until hiding from disaster became its own disaster.

The pandemic hit shortly after we returned to the real world and then there was no world anymore at all. I found myself on another island, just me and the baby dog, and we have been here ever since.

I will never stop feeling grateful for the solitude. It’s what I had been needing for decades. And I will never stop feeling grateful for the baby dog. She saved me. I had been asking the universe for peace and kindness for years and it finally found me.

But I am done with islands.





// REMIXES (2024)





// SOFTCORE (2024)





// R+R CITY (2023)





// DISTRACTED (2023)





// NEW MONEY (2022)





// KRS30YRS (2021)