I am done with islands.

After my weird Hollywood thing ended in 2018, I knew I needed to take some time to just be alone with myself and the baby dog on the beach. We stayed out there for 8 months together, until hiding from disaster became its own disaster.

The pandemic hit shortly after we returned to the real world and then there was no world anymore at all. I found myself on another island, just me and the baby dog, and we have been here ever since.

I will never stop feeling grateful for the solitude. It’s what I had been needing for decades. And I will never stop feeling grateful for the baby dog. She saved me. I had been asking the universe for peace and kindness for years and it finally found me.

But I am done with islands.

Category: Fashion, Gay Stuff, Gucci, Home, LGBT, life, Logan Lynn, News, Official Statements, Oregon, PDX Fashion, PDX Music, Photos, Portland, Queer, Style, Tiffany & Co., Unbelievable Stuff, Uncategorized

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