20 Years of Misses: Logan Lynn Releases 50 Song Retrospective (1998-2018) Exclusively on Spotify

It’s hard to believe I’ve been putting records out for the past 2 decades, but that’s what they tell me. To celebrate, I put together a 50 track retrospective playlist called “20 Years of Misses” on Spotify that spans all those years and several disastrous record deals.

This time machine is yours. No…OURS. Thank you all for still being here! I love you.

Listen HERE.

Radio Legend Alan Cross Features Logan Lynn and Jay Mohr’s “My Movie Star” Film This Week on ‘A Journal of Musical Things’

Thanks to music writer and Canadian radio legend Alan Cross for featuring the My Movie Star featurette I made with Jay MohrGlasysKevin Forrest and others today on A Journal of Musical Things!

‪Check out this week’s Thursday Timesuck HERE or keep reading for the transcript below.

From A Journal of Musical Things: (4/26/18)

Thursday timesuck: A short musical film featuring actor/comedian Jay Mohr

“Jay Mohr is best known as an actor, comedian and radio host as well as a podcaster. He’s teamed up musician Logan Lynn to create this short film called My Movie Star, which takes us through the fakery and crap that comes with being famous in Hollywood.

This project will also come with a double album this fall, which will include a collaboration with the Dandy Warhols. Give it a watch.”


Logan Lynn and Jay Mohr on “That Eric Alper Show” on Sirius XM This Weekend!


‪Hey SiriusXM Radio listeners! Tune into channel 167 all weekend to hear me and Jay Mohr chat with Eric Alper about all kinds of stuff on SiriusXM Canada‘s “That Eric Alper Show”!

‪It airs across North America and repeats a bunch. Check the schedule HERE and if you miss one of the segments, never fear!  The show will live on at Sirius On Demand, as well.





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