Happy 5th Birthday to Lead With Love

This is the 5th Anniversary of the first time my documentary Lead With Love was screened publicly, after I had carried around the truth of this story (as well as all of the hot media takes, death threats, and letters of support, from folks who weren’t there) privately for half a decade.

I remember, at the time, feeling like I needed to release this film in order to survive. All the projections, all the misinformation, all the hate, and all the love — it just needed to be informed.

Thank you to Revry for believing in this movie enough to stream it out to over 250 million homes in the years since. And thank you to the people from this film who ultimately took down the hateful Mars Hill Church and ideologies from the inside. It’s been gone for many years now and the world is entirely better for it.

Watch Lead With Love now on Revry and at

Category: Advocacy, Amazing, Arts & Culture, Community, Community Work, Emotional Bullshit, Film, Gay Stuff, LGBT, life, Logan Lynn, Love, Movies and Film, News, Official Statements, Oregon, Portland, Q Center, Queer, Release Info, Unbelievable Stuff, Uncategorized, Video

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