Thank you and OH MY GOD

Thank you to everyone who has been streaming the single or pre-ordered the EP since yesterday when Kill Rock Stars announced it! I see you, gays.

And huge thanks to JD Samson, MAN ON MAN, Xiu Xiu, Bright Light Bright Light, and Plack Blague for being part of this with me. I love every single one of you.

Also I used to hide Faith No More CDs in my pants at the back of Camelot Music in the mall because I had to smuggle secular music into our house as a kid, so to have Roddy Bottum on this thing is wild.

If you find my album at a big box store, you absolutely have my permission to put that ish in your underwear and walk out. 🖤

The Queer Indigo X Logan Lynn

During the early days of the pandemic I, like so many of you, found solace in Barry Brandon’s viral videos of queer people walking through cities to music, serving LEWKS.

Today Barry released a new video, soundtracked by my song “Is There Anyone Else Like This In The World?” with the featured look inspired by my new record for Kill Rock Stars.

Go check it out!

TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdQ7Ab6H/

REELS: https://bit.ly/3LZhB6G

(Wardrobe: Ben A Teliê by Leandro Benites)





// SOFTCORE (2024)





// R+R CITY (2023)





// DISTRACTED (2023)





// NEW MONEY (2022)





// KRS30YRS (2021)