Mar 27, 2020 Comments Off on This Is A Story About Toilet Paper.
This Is A Story About Toilet Paper.

I’ve been locked in the house for exactly 3 weeks and 3 days and have been really leaning into Instacart to deliver supplies and food. Today was the 3rd time since March 7th that the stores (plural) had no toilet paper. None. Zero.
Anyway, when my delivery driver arrived just now after shopping for hours and striking out on the TP aisle at each spot, I noticed a gift bag in one of the grocery sacks. When I asked him what it was, he said “Oh, I live nearby and have toilet paper at home so I ran and grabbed a few rolls for you.”
I’m not sure if I’ve just been in here for too long by myself or what, but it was super moving and made me cry. I honestly feel like it is one of the kindest things a stranger has ever done for me.
Grocery delivery people are doing humanitarian work right now. Tip them accordingly! 🧻