I was the guest on “Straight Talk with Laural Porter” this week on KGW-TV for a 2-part special called “Mental Health in Oregon”.
We talked about recovery, music, mental illness, the future of the Affordable Care Act, homelessness, the Keep Oregon Well social movement to end stigma and more! Dr. Derald Walker from Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare is also a guest on the show.
Watch both segments below!
“Straight Talk: Mental Health in Oregon (Part 1)”
“Straight Talk: Mental Health in Oregon (Part 2)”

I was interviewed by Sonicbids this month for a 3 part blog series. Read “The Indie Artist’s Guide to Talking Politics on Social Media” HERE, “Top 10 Qualities to Look for in a Tourmate” HERE, and “Low Turnout at Your Show? Here are 10 Secrets for Making the Night a Success Anyway” HERE.
Here are some of my quotes from the pieces, as well:
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Hello my darling queer & trans friends in Oregon! As you already know, Governor John Kitzhaber has been a lifelong advocate for LGBTQ equality and in his role as Governor, he has continually fought against discrimination. He has appointed more out-LGBTQ Oregonians to leadership positions than any other governor in Oregon history.
Please join me this coming Tuesday (September 30th) for an LGBTQ reception for the Governor at The East Side Exchange Building in Portland to show your support!
Here’s the scoop:
Tuesday, September 30th
6:00 pm—8:00 pm — General Reception
The Exchange Ballroom
The East Side Exchange Building
123 NE 3rd Ave
Portland, OR, 97232
General Reception Admission Rate: $250
Young Politico (under 30 years old): $30
Non-profit Staff: $75
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS, or you can RSVP to Daniel@johnkitzhaber.com or by phone at 804-310-1229.
See you there!