LISTEN: Logan Lynn Interviewed by Sheila Hamilton on KINK FM This Week for Mental Health Awareness Month

Logan Lynn at Home (2015)

As many of you know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This year, in my role as Chief Communications Officer of Trillium Family Services — Oregon’s largest provider of mental and behavioral healthcare for children and families — I have had the pleasure of creating and launching a Mental Health Heroes Awards program, a comedic video campaign designed to lampoon stigma, and a community storytelling and advocacy blog for the organization.

This week I was the guest on Sheila Hamilton’s “Speaking Freely” show on KINK FM in Portland. We chatted about trauma, healing, the triumph of the human spirit, recovery and more. Listen HERE, or press play below.

Category: Addiction and Recovery, Arts & Culture, Audio, Behavioral Health, charity, Community, Emotional Bullshit, Health & Wellness, Healthcare, Interviews, life, Logan Lynn, Mental Health, Music, News, Non-Profit Work, Oregon, Portland, Press, Sexual Abuse & Recovery, Uncategorized

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