Logan Lynn Interviewed in Pride 2017 Edition of Artist Waves


I was interviewed this week for Artis Waves: Pride Edition. We talked about life, love, my new record with GLASYS and Jay Mohr, and a bunch of gay stuff cuz, you know…PRIDE.

Click HERE to check it out on the Artist Waves site, or keep reading below for the transcript:

What Pride Month Means to Me:
Music and video has always been a way for me to push back on dominant culture. As a queer youth, making songs about coming to terms with my own sexuality and exit from the non-affirming conservative Christian cult I was raised in, there were many times where being able to connect to myself by way of those songs was really instrumental in keeping me alive. Pride is a 365 day annual experience for me. I come out over and over and continue to be a visible gay person in rooms that have maybe historically not been very welcoming…and are sometimes not welcoming still. My songs, my records, my style, my voice out in the world — those are the ways in which I am able to combat the oppression in my life. My response to the election, to the violence in the community, is to dial my gay up. You thought I was sparkly before? Well, look at me now. Read the rest of this entry »





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