A photographer named Leonard Martin Hughet reached out to me a few weeks back and asked if he could take my picture while he was visiting Portland from San Francisco. I figured it was the perfect time to immortalize my enormous holiday beard, so here she is, courtesy of Mr. Hughet’s talents!

Thanks Leonard!

You can read the full post titled “Reds In Music: Redheaded Emo Musician Logan Lynn Continues Musical Odyssey With Upcoming Release” HERE.
Just to give you an idea of what the “GINGEHEADMAN” blog is all about, check out their tagline:
“Ginger, redhead, copper top, strawberry blond, orange-red, red-blond, auburn, chocolate-red, copper-blond, red-brown, burnt orange – red hair comes in a variety of shades and the men who have it can be just as diverse. For many, redheaded males and their attributes (freckles,complexion,firecrotch,feet,eye color) are a desired specialty among men. GINGERHEADMAN supports redheaded males as sexy and desirable, adding to the diverse world of male beauty…”