Feature Story and New Interview with Logan Lynn in November Issue of Starry Constellation Magazine

Thanks to Starry Constellation Magazine for interviewing me for their current issue. We talked about music, Hollywood, recovery, men and so much more. Check out the online version HERE, or just keep reading below for the full transcript.

From Starry Constellation Magazine: (11/9/18)

Q) How would you describe your sound?

A) This answer has really changed a lot over the years. When I started out in the late 90’s I was all about this ‘Putting the Disco back into Discomfort’ tagline, which was evident in both my music and behavior at the time. The electronic period that followed was also a time in my career where I was signed to a major label and several indies, so I had other people describing my sound a lot, trying to help “shape” my sound, all of that bullshit. Ever since breaking out on my own again I’ve felt really free to do whatever the hell I want, work with whoever I choose, and follow creative whims that have taken me down a bunch of different sonic paths that I honestly never would have been allowed to go down if I were still making records for other people. So, people know me as this electronic emotional dance pop dude because that’s what my records were from 1998-2012. My last album was just full-on college rock — an homage to all of the bands and songs that actually shaped me — and that led to this very stripped down, intimate situation I find myself in currently. Jesus, that was a long way of saying “piano pop.” [laughs] Read the rest of this entry »

Logan Lynn and Gino Mari on “Sounds of PDX” This Week with Vortex Music Magazine, Portland Radio Project and PDX Spotlight!


Thanks again to Portland Radio Project, Vortex Music Magazine and PDX Spotlight for having us on Sounds of PDX this week! Listen HERE or keep reading below.

From Portland Radio Project:

Recording artist Logan Lynn and producer Gino Mari dropped by the show this week to talk about their influences, songwriting process and new album. A large part of the PDX Spotlight playlist was from Logan’s latest release titled Adieu, but we also listened to Gino and Logan’s influences including Mitski, Whitey, Sam Phillips, The Dandy Warhols, and more. We talked about their production process, touring together, and the maturation of artists. Our listeners heard Logan open up about his mental health and history with addiction. Logan also shared a lot of great information about Keep Oregon Well and his approach to mental health self care. A common theme through the night was the importance of being congruent with your art and being honest with yourself.

A huge thank you to Logan Lynn and Gino Mari for spending the evening with me and sharing their stories! Please enjoy the podcast!

Logan Lynn’s “ADIEU” Featured in the Current Issue of Willamette Week


Thanks to Willamette Week for featuring my new record (and our Portland record release show) in this week’s issue. Hometown love!

From Willamette Week: (9/28/2016)

Veteran Portland Songwriter Logan Lynn Releases His Most Uncomfortable Album Yet
by Dom Sinacola

“Logan Lynn knows Old Portland.

Lynn came to Portland in 1996, fleeing a fundamentalist Christian upbringing. (“I grew up in a cult, frankly,” he says.) With a bedroom demo of wounded electro-pop disguising soul-baring subject matter behind disco glitz, he befriended many of the mid-’90s stalwarts of Portland music scene, like Elliott Smith and the Dandy Warhols, eventually signing to the latter’s Beat the World Records, a Caroline/EMI subsidiary.

But that doesn’t mean he misses it.

“I’m not pro-gentrification. I’d love us to have a better plan for the people being left behind or displaced,” he says.


“There was a part of that scene that was mostly about getting high and not having jobs. I don’t know if I feel super-protective of that part of it. You can’t wish for something that’s not based in reality to last forever.”

Lynn has had his own issues. He overdosed in 2008, and though he’s been clean since, he says the pressures of being signed to a major label made it more difficult to navigate sobriety. That same year, midtour, he “freaked out” and quit. “I walked away and sent a press release to everyone about my career suicide, in the middle of the night,” he says. “I went and worked at a community center the next day. I needed to reclaim my humanity on some level.” Read the rest of this entry »





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