Logan Lynn Interviewed in October 2016 Issue of Innocent Words Music Magazine – “Logan Lynn: Modern Day Gene Kelly”

Logan Lynn ADIEU (2016)

Oh hi there, Innocent Words Music Magazine. You’re cute. 🙂

New interview and review in the October issue. Click the cover below to check it out on the Innocent Words site, or keep reading below for the transcript.


From Innocent Words Magazine: (October 2016 Issue)

Logan Lynn: Modern Day Gene Kelly

by John B. Moore

It’s been four years since Portland’s Logan Lynn last put out a full length. And despite coming out with a wildly popular Miley Cyrus cover in 2013, his latest record is aligned much closer to ’90s college radio rock and classic theatrical rock (think more Queen and less Yes), than a contemporary party album.

“I think strong ’90s college rock vibes are probably there by way of the strong ‘90s college rock vibes I loved and was raised on, and then intentionally nodding to on ‘ADIEU,’” says Lynn, referring to the new LP. “But I think Gino (Mari, his collaborator/producer) and I both had pretty serious musical theater vibes happening as a constant throughout. There are moments on this record that feel really jaunty and bratty and as we were recording them I tried to keep this mental image of myself with a dancing cane, clicking my heels in the rain and moving through these very serious themes with a spring in my step, front and center. The whole thing is very jazz hands mental health crisis, frankly.”

So, yeah, it’s a bit different. ‘ADIEU’ is being self-released on September 23rd.

Innocent Words: Musically, did you consciously set out for a different sound with ‘Adieu’?

Logan Lynn: This record has been a totally unique experience for me and, at the very least, has been an absolute departure from my usual creative process. In the last 18 years of releasing songs, I have rarely…potentially never…written them first as complete A Cappella arrangements and then taken them into the studio from there. The writing process has looked a number of ways with myself and my collaborators previously, but never like this; and usually that other process meant that, lyrics and vocal melodies aside, even in their infancy, my songs were at least partially informed — if not largely influenced — by people other than me; ideas other than my own. I am really lucky to have always had talented people working with me in the early days, but my relationship with my producer Gino Mari has grown into such a treasure over the past decade, both professionally and personally. We are great friends and collaborators. On ‘ADIEU,’ I ended up distilling over 500 voice note recordings, which were captured over a six-month- period of great turmoil in my life. I experienced a very serious mental health crisis which I somehow managed to capture the seeds of the songs on this album during. Gino wrote all of the music on ‘ADIEU’ and I wrote all of the lyrics and vocal melodies, as well as most of the strange samples we captured from said voice note recordings and my television, many of which were mixed in as parts of songs throughout. When people ask me about our collaboration, I often say something along the lines of: These songs belong to both Gino Mari and I. Neither of us could have made this record happen without the other, and that’s our sweet spot. It’s got staying power.

Innocent Words: Is there a general theme to the songs on this record?

Logan Lynn: Other than jazz hands, mental health crisis? (laughs). The broad themes are love, loss, wanting to give up, and then holding on, but I think that pretty well sums it up. I hope people can hear that, while it is definitely about my own ongoing struggle with depression and suicidal ideation, it’s actually about resilience and love being stronger than anything else.

Innocent Words: What can you tell me your role in the upcoming TV show “Last Meal”? How did you get involved?

Logan Lynn: Oh, I can’t tell you a thing about that! Not yet, anyway. All I am allowed to say at this point is that it’s a new show by Writer/Director Jonathan Firstman and the talented folks at Penguin Productions and it will be out this fall. I’m dying to tell you…but I can’t.

Innocent Words: What’s next for you?

Logan Lynn: Well, I am still full in with the Keep Oregon Well campaign and my band is busy putting together our new live show in support of ‘ADIEU.’ We will be playing a bunch of shows all over the place beginning in September, when the record also comes out. Can’t wait to see everybody again! We have a new video coming out next month, too. This year is so intense. And wonderful. I feel really grateful for what’s happening right now. Life is good.

Category: Arts & Culture, Community Work, Health & Wellness, Interviews, Keep Oregon Well, LGBT, life, Logan Lynn, Music, Music Videos, New Releases, News, Oregon, Photos, Portland, Press, Release Info, Reviews, Uncategorized

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