Logan Lynn Featured in Northwest Music Scene’s “100 Bands in 100 Days” Series


Thanks to NorthWest Music Scene for featuring me in their 100 Bands in 100 Days series! Today’s featured band is yours truly.

Click HERE to check it out on the Northwest Music Scene site, or just keep reading below for the full transcript.

From Northwest Music Scene: (12/1/2016)

“Music fans of the Pacific Northwest, hello and welcome back to our third annual year-end daily countdown, 100 Bands in 100 Days, where every day until December 31st, we’re showcasing a new band or artist you have to know about, presented by Verity Credit Union. Follow the #100Bands100Days hashtag on Twitter to stay on top of all the bands featured and make sure to follow Verity on Twitter as well. Some days the featured act could be an established and locally-adored northwest-based musician that perhaps you haven’t been turned onto yet, and other times they could be a band with a small following that just hasn’t had their deserved time in the sun yet. Either way, we’re fairly confident you can come away from this daily segment with plenty of new favorites. We are going to back to Oregon for today’s offering Logan Lynn.

Today’s artist is a bit more popular in terms of fanbase than most of the other artists that we’ve included in the 100/100 series but Logan Lynn’s story AND his music made it hard not to show him some love. In addition to being one of the finest musicians in the Rose City, his work within the mental health and LGBTQ communities might be even more important than his music. A few days after the horrific events in Orlando, Florida at Pulse Nightclub where 49 people were killed, Lynn, along with Gino Mari released “Go There When You Want To Be Loved” to help support all those impacted by the tragedy. 100% of the proceeds were donated to recovery efforts with Orlando’s gay community.

Based in Portland, Oregon, Lynn first gained national and international recognition in 2006 when MTV’s Logo channel began airing his music videos. He is the former host of NewNowNext Music and has done a number of televised commercial spots for the channel. Logan’s videos were included in 2007 and 2008’s “Top 10 Videos of the Year” by the network and have been featured on MTV, VH1 and Spike TV as well.

Logan Lynn was signed to Caroline/EMI via The Dandy Warhols owned-and-operated Beat The World label from 2007 to 2010, when he announced that he would be going on hiatus to pursue activism work full time. In 2013 Lynn returned with a new record, a U.S. tour, a handful of videos, a critically acclaimed Miley Cyrus cover, and the promise of a new sound on the way.

Logan released his 8th studio album ADIEU on September 23rd, 2016. With ADIEU, Logan Lynn puts melody to his own mental health crisis and takes us with him on an unflinching journey inward. ADIEU is a leap into an abyss that most of us, including Lynn previously, spend our lives trying our best not to have to look at. There are no metaphors here; just dirty, honest and, at times, difficult truth.

In the album’s liner notes, Lynn writes “ADIEU is about saying goodbye to love. It is also, at times, about my not wanting to live…or not knowing how to move through this traumatic experience we all call ‘living’. It is about overcoming heartache; about resilience in the face of grief and suffering; and about love being stronger than anything else.”

Lynn’s ADIEU is a musical diary where he digs deep and nakedly offers these 15 songs to the universe as a way for the world to perhaps look inside of his heart and soul.

(You can check out Logan Lynn on Facebook and you can listen to him at Bandcamp)”

Category: Arts & Culture, Audio, life, Logan Lynn, Mental Health, Music, New Releases, News, Oregon, Portland, Press, Release Info, Reviews, Uncategorized

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