Jan 22, 2025
Hello everybody!
I permanently deleted my public, verified Facebook page this week, where I had amassed a following of over 80,000 people since the great MySpace migration of the early 00s. I also permanently deleted my private Facebook profile that I use to keep in touch with people I know in real life and have also had forever. Pulled the plug on the official Logan Lynn Threads page, too. This, after already deleting my Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, and Pinterest pages last year.
A bunch of you have reached out to ask me why I am doing this and the reason is very simple. I just do not want to be a participant in the evil empire and its takeover. I am resisting the only way I can — by not allowing my name, likeness, content, audience engagement, or ad dollars, to support fascism and anti-LGBTQ propaganda. I do not want to be preoccupied with engaging something I know is doing terrible shit all over the globe.
This is not hyperbole. The time has come to disengage. I hope you will join me in leaving these garbage fire platforms. I have decided to let them become the right wing echo chambers they seem to already be designed to be, and let their hateful algorithms do what they’re gonna do — but not to me. Not to my people. Not with my time. I’m not going to be part of it anymore.
This is “not a smart business decision”, according to a bunch of people I have asked. But I do not care. I have always made decisions about my career based on what I can live with, not what works best for the market at any given time. This is just another one of those moments. Beyond all of the horrible shit they’re doing to our brains and relationships, my gut tells me that Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk having access to all of our DMs and data is just not the move anymore. Likely never was.
Anyhoo…..Fuck this shit, I’m out.
I’ll be deleting Instagram soon (and TikTok too, if they ever let me log back in lol) but will be sending emails your way, posting on my blog, and will stay on Bluesky as long as it remains pro-LGBTQ.
As always, you can find me and my music on all major streaming and video platforms, at Kill Rock Stars, and on my website where you are right now.
Love you all.
Come find me on Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/loganlynn.bsky.social
Stay connected via email: http://eepurl.com/h6pTob
– Logan