Portland Monthly Magazine Premiers New Logan Lynn Video + Announces New Record Release Date and Album Title!

My new video, “Turn Me Out“, made its exclusive world premier over at Portland Monthly Magazine today! Watch it HERE first. They interviewed me for the piece as well, which you can read while you are there (or via the transcript below). We chatted about the new record (“Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks”, due out Tuesday, December 4th), my relationship adventure, and the “Turn Me Out” video itself.

Check it out:

From Portland Monthly, 7/24/2012:

World Premiere: Logan Lynn’s New Music Video, “Turn Me Out” – The electro-pop darling “just want[s] your love”

Local electro-pop (emotronic?) musician Logan Lynn has been on a two-year do-gooder music hiatus while he manned public relations and innovations for the Q Center (among other things, using his connections to bring in national musicians for concert series). But that’s not to say he hasn’t been busy behind studio doors. He released the catchy, dirty, dancefloor single “Turn Me Out” in June, and Culturephile’s delighted to post the world premiere of the video (that’s right: we got it before MTV or Logo)—a rather atmospheric ode to the joyous imprisonment that is love.

The single is from his upcoming album called Tramp Stamps and Birthmarks, slated for a 12/4 release. It’s a love letter of sorts to his fellow. We had a short chat with Logan about the song, the relationship, the record, and writing about happy material, below the video.

We should mention for our more delicate listeners that the lyrics are a little more than just obliquely sexual.

PoMo: Where did the inspiration for the song and video come from? It seems a paradoxical celebration of the imprisonment of love.

Lynn: This new record is, start to finish, inspired by my relationship with my sweet man. It’s a map of our time together so far, and explores the joy and suffering that comes with love and longing. In my mind, to have an authentic romantic experience with someone you love, you have to embrace everything – even the difficult stuff. I wanted this record to be a snapshot of our story…the good, the bad, the naked, the clothed…I want to celebrate every little piece of us.

PoMo: So it’s an all encompassing love letter to your fellow. What’s it like to write a love record?

Lynn: I have never been in love like this before. It’s intense to be living it, and it’s proving equally intense to write about. This new record is my best work yet for sure. It’s my first exploration into happy material, and it seems to be working. Even the hard parts are coming from a place of deep love for someone I feel so lucky to have found.

PoMo: Is that Oaks park? Why an amusement park?

Lynn: Photographer Curtis Speer, who directed the video, was responsible for most all of the concept. I tend to work with people whose vision I trust and then let them do their thing. This song is about love and longing and sex and he shot a lot of that fairgrounds stuff at the waterfront during one of the summer festivals this year in Portland. It was included to portray the innocence that comes with young love, and the rush of the ride.

Category: Interviews, life, Love, Music, New Releases, News, Oregon, Portland, Premier, Press, Relationships, Unbelievable Stuff, Uncategorized, Unreleased Material, Video

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