Long Live Gay and Crazy.

Always funny to me when some puffed up clout chasing homophobe starts being gross or hateful in my direction to try and shame, scare or bully me publicly.

Like, uhhhh…I was abused as a child in the church, escaped that cult on my own as a 12 year old, left my family as a 14 year old, came out of the closet, survived being gay in Nebraska, survived being gay in Michigan, survived being gay in Kansas, survived being gay in Tennessee, survived being a gay homeless drug addict in the streets of San Francisco and Portland for 16 years after that, survived mental health crises, eventually got well on my own, survived being gay in Hollywood, survived the media, and have managed to build a truly happy life in the 12 years since that I am actually excited about living, as well as a career that I am super proud of.

These little videos and internet posts calling me gay and crazy never hurt me. GAY AND CRAZY IS LITERALLY MY BRAND. 🌈🖤

Category: Abuse, Addiction and Recovery, Behavioral Health, Bullying, Cyberbullying, Emotional Bullshit, Harassment, Hate, Health & Wellness, History, Hollywood, Homophobic Abuse, LGBT, life, Logan Lynn, Music, News, Official Statements, Oregon, PDX Music, Queer, Religious Abuse, Sexual Abuse & Recovery, Uncategorized

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